Week2-13 March 2013 –The Rocks precinct, Sydney

13 March 2013 –The Rocks precinct, Sydney

The Rocks is a historic place that represents the present and the past of one of the most important cities in Australia: Sydney. The Rocks is located in the city center. There are a number of historical buildings such as warehouses, homes of sailors and many more that have been built approximately two centuries ago. Presently, all of these all buildings are state-owned, saving it from demolition and trying to preserve it and protect the suburb´s cultural value. Many of the historical buildings in question are used as modern shops, boutiques, restaurants, nightclubs, galleries and unique stores. When ´The Rocks´ is mentioned to tourists as a unique place to visit, the mental image they make of the place is far from its reality. It can be a splendid surprise when one visits this suburb, as it is a combination of the best of Sydney´s past and present. The location of this place is perfect, while you are walking there you can see “The Sydney Opera House”, “The Sydney Harbor Bridge”,Circular Quay, the ocean and many more beautiful buildings that surround the city center. Each week the “The Rocks Market”, is held and showcases a variety of stalls, which serves as an entertaining attraction to both tourists and locals.



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